The Institute has a well equipped Psychology Lab having various psychological test materials. The Lab is open for the use of teachers, research scholars and students of Education & Psychology.
1. Personality test
2. Intelligence test
3. Adjustment test
4. Achievement test
5. Aptitude test
6. Attitude scale
7. Anxiety test
8. Interest inventory
9. Organizational climate scale
1. Administration of various Psychological tests on Students, Teachers and Principals of the schools of Vidya Bharti Akhil Bharatiya Shiksha Sansthan.
2. Sending the report of the result of the administered test/s to the concern persons.
3. Providing Guidance and Counselling Services.
Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Sansthan has a Separate Cell of Psychological Guidance & Counselling with the aim to develop the abilities of the person to face & solve his/her problems so that he/ she may lead a happy and normal life.
For Diagnosis of various Psychological, Vocational, Educational & Personal Problems any individual can contact the institute on any working day between 11 am to 4 pm. on the following telephone no. to seek appointment:
Phone No.- 0522-2787816
For more information please contact Dr. Bhanu Pratap Yadav, Psychologist (